I will never, ever forget the Munich Olympics and the atrocities committed by the PLO. I was in Jr. High school and my history teacher was using the Olympics as part of current events. I can still vividly recall the terrorists in black holding their blindfolded young captives on that rooftop. Some of them not much older than me. Even at that age I couldn’t understand how Arafat paraded around on the world stage in the following years. And when I was older, one of the (many) reasons I despised Hillary Clinton was she kissed and hugged Arafat. It’s been a helpless feeling watching all of this unfolding over the years.

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Well done, Lee Smith. Forgotten about the US is the political differences between the NE coast, West Coast, and the "flyover country" where most are conservative, Christian, and supportive of Israel. These values are almost immutable, and we still hold an Electoral College plurality (Thank God for our Constitution). I live in Texas where we just passed legislation taking control of our border with Mexico from whence dangerous illegal immigration has come from unsavory parts of the world. We will win in court. Israelis should focus on winning on the battlefield, nothing else at this time, in spite of ( politically directed )(international pressure. Israel, hold fast to a focus on victory, not half-measure agreements.

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Lee Smith hits the nail on the head why Israel is fighting in Gaza for the preservation of Western values in addition to rid itself of the menace of Hamas

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Lee Smith has written a brilliant essay that correctly identifies a split in world consciousness between those who herald revolution and those who want to be identified with those who herald revolution. It's "revolution" because the status quo is seen as unfair, racist, homophobic, sexist, elitist, classist, colonialist, and generally oppressive on all levels. Because they are not entirely wrong their ideas are seen as entirely right, which they take as permission to tear down the world "by any means possible", including all of the attitudes and actions they decry on the past of the participants of the status quo. I believe this is an attitude that we equality-seeking liberals, born of the boomer generation (of which I belong), have birthed and raised and promulgated. It was the political version of the fictional G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate that was introduced with the intention to calm the populace and instead destroyed most while turning a tiny percentage into Reavers. Catch the 2005 film Serenity and see if you agree that we have created the monsters who are dedicated to our destruction.

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Amazing work!

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This piece astutely begins with, " The Palestinians have something better than a state..." but then absurdly goes on to talk about " Palestine" which has never been, and is not now, a state AND the mythical pretend residents / citizens of that nonexistent state. This is crazy making nonsense.

What about those long suffering Narnians and the victimized denizens of Westeros? Why go along repeating a lie concocted by Yassir Arafat in 1964, along the help of the KGB, that of "the long suffering victimized "palestinians ", whose lands were stolen from them by the evil Zionists" in the attempt to grift vast sums from the world of Jew haters and those who wanted to see Israel destroyed?

The Arabs who lived in the land area called palestine after the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the hands of the British were told to return to their original countries of origin, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan after Israeli Statehood in 1948 because those Arab countries were going to wage war on the newborn State, destroy it and then the Arabs could return and " reclaim" their land. Surprise. tiny Israel WON that first War of Independence, and the Arabs had turned down a State of their own. That is what really happened, and now NONE of those Arab States will allow their people to return, as it is more profitable to have a perennial group of miserable stateless victims with which to endlessly clobber the Jews.

And, by the way, the meaningless misnomer "West Bank" is even more ridiculous. It is Judea and Samaria, the forever indigenous homeland of the Jewish People.

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Lee Smith for president. Of the world.

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Mr. Smith hits the nail squarely on its head.

The abandonment of faith in the one, true God, (true Judeo-Christian values), turning the world into an empty, secular void, now empowered with the instantaneous gratification of the Internet, has given rise to an army of psychopaths, raging against the sky, and all reason itself, who call good evil and evil good.

“ This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”

~ 2 Timothy 3:1

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FYI.....We don’t need or come here for info other than Isreal and the War. Page the last couple of week are thin ? No sources ? Was great ....

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