I appreciated the snippiness on Pickleball, but the last essay by Michael Lind was one of the worst I’ve ever read in Tablet and one that provoked a sense of genuine revulsion. Like all too-online screeds, it took a core of truth and stretched its conclusions far beyond what might be reasonably discernible to a neutral observer. Lind’s sneering sense of contrarian victimization was palpable. I value Tablet highly and appreciate the concerns of Lind, which he would do well to limit to within rational bounds.

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Sean, being anti-pickleball is AGEIST. We older people need recreation too, and I haven't played basketball or tennis since my 20s. Give us a break!

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More than saving the planet, we need to be saved from the green fanatics. Thank you, Michael Lind, for publishing what should be obvious. Environmentalism is indeed a Romantic-era, anti-Enlightenment movement with a worn patina of "science" layered on it. There's no valuing anything outside of *human* valuing. To speak otherwise is superstition.

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it's about time someone demands from greeners/greenies/planet saved from humans/ just what limits their programs have, and what evidence their definitions define anything that does not eliminate human civilizations. might help us focus on real immediate and fixable threats.

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Hear,hear! On NOT saving the planet!

It’s not just a cult, it’s a suicide cult!

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