Yay Jamie! Great piece.

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There's an American analogy for the quack treatments of young people suffering from gender dysphoria with hormones and sterilization: it's the craze for quickie lobotomies in the 1930s, 1940s, and early 1950s, including mobile lobotomy vans. Eventually the states and Feds shut these down, but not before a lot of damage was done.

It's amazing how far down a rational path the European countries mentioned (not just Scandinavia, but Holland and the UK as well) have gone, compared to their direction 10 or 15 years ago. And it's shocking how the conformity machine prevents any rational discussion here. It was similar here versus there with COVID, no? Masks, vaccines, etc.

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Will the woke wave crush the NYT or not? Violation of these policies have not been enforced previously will that happen now? Standby for Sulzberger to back pedal once again.

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Thank you.

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The woke world like Communism devours anyone which departs from its world view-even its allies. It is highly ironic that the NYT which has been pushing the woke view on all issues for years is a target

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