Those TikTok videos sound like the videotape in "Infinite Jest." But then that's what the internet's become, innit? (Astronauts_Gun_Always_Has_Been.JPG)

Scroll editors: Please include more links (e.g. to Forbes and Vice pieces cited in essay)!

Great stuff as usual.

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People, schmeople. The real wonder will be when AI chat starts eating its own poop, so to speak; that is, training on its own output. Then it will become like one of those index funds that's designed to guarantee that future results are just a mirror of past performance.

AI is useful. But keep in mind, it's not autonomous no matter what they tell you; think of it as smart pet.

Nice to see the Muslim Public Affairs Council (which, from what I can see, is a genuine representative group and not a front for Qatar) falling back on real history and common sense. And no excuses about student "safety" because (pass the smelling salts!) they might be exposed to a ... picture >:-[ scream ]

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