Of all the egregious and horrid efforts of the Left to destroy civilization as we know it - and that list is looong, their efforts in destroying the very minds and souls - and bodies - of children has to be the single most horrific of all.

There is no punishment too severe for these evil perpetrators to suffer.

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I've had personal contact with the fake extremism "problem" in the military, knowing of two cases of people chased out by discharge from units with completely fake charges.

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See American Vertigo

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It's not labeled The Tyranny Of Low Expectations for no reason, and it is as genuinely racist and oppressive as possible- all for the personal gratification of Libtard pretentious virtue signaling. Adonai help me - I used to be one. Apparently now I'm part of The Borg (not the one Pelosi organized brilliantly for a long time).

Just remember the motto of victims, or as Bernard Henri Levy so ably identified it: our "Victimocrscy", and "competition of victim hood": IF YOU WERE JUST DIFFERENT, I WOULD FEEL BETTER.....

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