Very interesting that the main take away from the dinner with Modi was the purchase of drones. Is any American concerned that we’ve essentially created a military-industrial complex reliant on war? That’s not sustainable as history has demonstrated

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"in which the authors argue that LGBTQ+ people need to be celebrated and included in nuclear facilities and programs lest they defect and share our most closely held secrets."

There is absolutely nowhere in the article where the authors suggest that those of us who are members of the LGBTQ+ community are likely to defect or share secrets if we're not included. You're just trying to stir up people's emotions over nothing. It doesn't even suggest we be celebrated, simply accepted and included.

Do I agree with all of "queer theory"? No. It ofttimes it goes too far into pushing sexual/gender identity as if it was the only thing that defined us. But nothing about it, nor the article intimates us holding it as some sort of blackmail to be included "or else".

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