The mass surveillance thing was always fishy. Thank you for publishing this article. I had not heard of this program until now. Really out-of-control stuff. The frustrating thing about it was the role that Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries in the Gulf in facilitating the rise of jihadi groups. It took well into Bush's second term before enough pressure was put on these governments to stop supporting or even tolerating these groups, mainly because they were responsible for a lot of the Sunni violence in Iraq. They have since gotten religion on this issue, so to speak, so that, Qatar apart, they don't tolerate these groups any more. But that should have been the focus from the start, not mass surveillance.

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So the government makes the banks, collapses the banks and then has to rescue the banks. Oh. I get it. Circle jerk.

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Ah the bank problem. Anyway, great journalling!

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