Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

Should be category that captures lazy ass Jews like me; Never go to synagogue, no in person Jewish activities, but stay in touch with Jewish world via internet reading and donating $ to multiple J orgs...

like Tablet

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What’s Jewish about “Jewish communal organizations.”? It seems that my JCC is gym/healthcare facility decorated by a Center for Loving Kindness whose idea of Jewish programming is to invite three non-Jews to lecture about social issues on Yom Kippur. My Jewish Federation funds social services that largely serve non-Jewish communities. Though it also funds Jewish day schools, it seems to be blissfully unaware of the poorly educated children in the community beyond those schools, indifferent to the fact that we are sending those children unprepared to proudly define their Judaism , much less Zionism, when they enter the hostile area s of higher - and even lower level - education. Am I “unattached”? Yes, if that means being supportive of the likes of the ADL, AmericanJewish Committee, and Federation. Yes, if that means “belonging” to a congregation whose rabbis themselves seem to have a weak attachment to Israel and serious Jewish ideas and values. Do I keep kosher? Yes. Do I light Shabbos candles and refrain from shopping and traveling on Shabbat? Yes. Do I read Jewish books and articles and spend hours on the phone with my friend grappling with Jewish ideas? Yes. Am I “affiliated”? No. How do you define the likes of someone like me?

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Gerhard Richter also became the subject of a wonderful movie by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, the director of The Lives Of Others. The two talked at length, but eventually Richter disowned the movie, which is fiction, even though based on Richter's life in Nazi Germany, then Communist East Germany, & then democratic West Germany... It's a wonderful movie I recommend to everyone interested in art, it's called Never Look Away in English, Werk Ohne Autor in German.


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"As of 2021, children in the United States are also more likely to be killed by guns than in a car accident, making gun-related deaths the highest cause of mortality among Americans up to 18 years old. "

You may want to revisit the statistics which supposedly anchor that claim: I think the articles on which they are based have age ranges from 1 to 18 and 1 to 24....and they apply to "children and youth:".


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"such indictments will become regular features of American politics and haunt Bidens and Trumps alike"

That sounds kind of awesome, actually. Being rich and powerful doesn't make you above the law.

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