Thank you for writing this. I bet you have to take alot of heat for your views.....

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Thank you for this. It was horrifying, during the pandemic, to see just how quickly a virtuous, pure brand new in group who were mortally threatened by an out group was created. I also remember gays winning rights on being born this way and wanting to celebrate having healthy bodies. It seems like the antithesis of the trans message.

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I can now see the parallel lines in the gender war and the Covid panic. It is something I would not have considered but they are similar social hysterias. Thanks...

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Wow David! Thank you 🙏

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Mr.Moulton should have commented on whether the LGBT community supports the removal of all barriers on sex between adults and children and views any and all objections to the LGBT lifestyle rooted in traditional morality as barriers to be surmounted and crushed ?

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Why? Are you suggesting he is a pedophile or at least pedophile adjacent?

Would you have asked that question of a heterosexual?

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