Dark money and dark minds seem to rule us. Which is the return to the feudal class. What can I hope? States rights trump federal corruption. Inflation will cause rebellion. Maybe. Maybe cheating and corruption is so systemic that we need to huddle with our families and gardens and books and watch the storm pass overhead?

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"But understand that in the last days, troubled times will come. Because people will only look out for their self, money, pride, smugness, blasphemy, cockiness, disobedience to their parents, ungrateful, sinful, cruel, succumbing to their anger, customer, evil, cruel, enemy of goodness, traitor, reckless, proudly bloated, fond of pleasures rather than loving God, while denying the power of religion. Turn your back on these people." ( New Testament, 2. Timothy 3:1-5)

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Remember this line from "All the President's Men"-"Just follow the money"-Butler and Young must have access to unlimited financial resources of which "dark money operations" is only one element to mobilize and move their so called "social justice warriors" from city to city. See the link that I provided on Tuesday

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