Alex’s article is powerful, as usual. But unfortunately the basic facts won’t bring about a much-needed reckoning. The mass censorship, coercion, and demonization regime will carry on, unfazed. Because it was never about the facts. It was the unhealthy expression of a repressed religious libido. It was Girardian scapegoating. It was a purification ritual, a baptism into the Church of Scientism. It was a bureaucratic power grab. There will be no reckoning. A reckoning would be too ego-shattering, and the human psyche has too many defenses against that. There will be only dissembling and doubling-down on the authoritarian war on “misinformation” and those who convey it.

Tablet has done an excellent job reporting on this ideological corruption. Unfortunately it’s editorial line is exceedingly rare in the mainstream centers of power and influence.

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Excellent rundown! You don't see these stories in the MSM.

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It is one thing claiming no scientific evidence. But there is lots of by empirical observational evidence. The cases the followed group settings such as at the white house or with the motorcyclists that converged on that Midwestern town after a weekend of mask -free vaccine -free cavorting is pretty compelling. We often forget about the world of empirical evidence. Just remember that it took 350 years for Galileo to be exonerated for his observations.

Michael Gordon MD


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