When I was in university, the Big Sin of the USA was meddling in its "backyard", all the CIA coups and right wing dictatorships the US supported in Central & South America during the Cold War.

So surprising now the deafening silence among the Left when it comes to US foreign meddling, be it a color revolution in Ukraine in 2014, the recent military coup in Pakistan, or Biden stabbing Iranian women in the back to cuddle up with their Supreme Leader.

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Comment on the Bush putsch against Ken Paxton. You believe Axios? The Bushites are in an existential struggle with Trump over the the Texas Republican Party. The Bushes are the most clandestinely corrupt police machine in Republican history. Everything about them is a lie; their New England Brahmin identity is a lie, they're from OHIO, all of them. They're on the make for Saudi and Mexican oil and lan did in Texas by default, despite W's fake Texas drawl. Total Globalists.

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Between what the our government is trying to do in Israel, what it did with Pakistan, and Ukraine, and what they’re covering up doing in China with GoF bioweapons research, and God only knows what else, where and with whom. proves how they are beyond doubt the most lawless and dangerous entity operating on this earth.

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Very interesting. The section on Nagasaki needs an editor to sort out the sentences and claims. There were no nuclear weapons in the late 1930s and early 1940s, and the CIA was founded in 1947. While the Times might have gotten special access to the Nagasaki raid, by far the most famous journalism from the dropping of the bombs on Japan came from The New Yorker, John Hersey's well-known and searing article from August 1946 that occupied an entire issue. Later re-issued as a book.

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I once saw an F-35 at an air show. I wonder how it's possible to lose one.

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Maybe they were really just practicing how to deliver one to some enemy of ours by making it look like a “mishap”.

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It's probably parked in someone's back yard, covered up with a tarp.

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Antiracism IS racism. Repeat: Antiracism IS racism.

But for the life of me, I can't figure out what that makes IX Kendi... 🤔

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