Bravo to Clayton Fox for the Back Pages piece. Bravo to Tablet for being so much more than just a Jewish magazine.

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Loved the piece by Clayton Fox. I don't know how it's possible but the politically correct center of the universe, Berkeley California, has become even more nauseatingly obvious in it's correct-think agenda and it is literally played out on the stages at Berkeley Rep. The irony is the audience is mostly straight, white senior citizens of means and the majority surveyed welcomed the draconian covid policies that kept them masked and boosted for 3 years.

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I look forward every day to reading the Scroll, especially your fantastic Back pages. Thank you for always providing an excellent newsletter.

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we keep kowtowing to the most whiny, bitchy, insecure, weepy people,” says Duncan, “then that’s the level we’re going to be playing to.”

Well said.

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Tony Badran’s report, “ Biden Backdoors Israel in the U.N., Rescinding Trump’s Recognition of Sovereignty over the Golan”, is more conclusive proof of how diabolical the Biden(Obama) administration truly is. Their incomprehensibly evil agenda boggles the mind and is a mortal threat to the entire world.

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The rise in drug deaths could also suggest that cars are getting much safer, and we're driving drunk less.

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