What irony. In the midst of this fresh hell, to be terrified by the Machiavellian machinations of the Biden Admin.

What a knife in the back to every Israeli for them to arrive in Israel under the cloak of mourning clothes whispering their demands to forego the retaliation required for self preservation. Seething jackals.

You are right to be terrified. I pray your terror will soon be tempered in righteous anger.

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Professor Taub hits the mail on the head on why Biden’s Obamaesque profession of support for Israel proves that talk is cheap for this President

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

This entire horror experienced by Israel all boils down to and is a straight line to the sickness of the US’ fanatical pursuit of empowering and elevating Iran.


It could arguably be considered one of the worst, most dangerous foreign policy adventures perhaps in all of history.

It can all be laid at the feet of Obama and his minions in the Democrat party, but most specifically those in the US State Department, a rats nest of anti-semitism going back decades.

Israel is between a rock and hard place as a result of the handcuffs placed on them by the US, and the West in general.

If they comply with the US demands to restrain from taking the fight to the enemy, they are merely putting off their potential annihilation for another day - and more horror - down the road.

If they go against such restraints, they risk not only US and Western vilification and total isolation from the wider world, but the entree of other Middle Eastern countries into the fray - while the US and the West stand back and watch.

Thus, the only question I would be asking were I the Israeli government at this moment is this: are we able to take on a wider new Mid East war if we go forward prosecuting Hamas the way it needs to be done, AND WIN completely on our own?

If the answer is “Yes, we can”, then they should go for it.

If the answer is “No way”, then they have to figure out how to do what they want anyway, via more subversive, and most assuredly more time consuming methods.

But they have to do it their way no matter what.

This war is about the survival of the State of Israel - hard stop.

They have no friends they can count on, so must decide if they want to live now or merely postpone their certain death.

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Israel needs to free itself from being an American vassal...it is being constrained from responding by Biden's bear hug. Israel is losing any deterrence they had.

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What happened to the content of The Scroll recently? It seems like it has become a mouthpiece for the Israeli state rather than a substack on “what happened today”. Case in point, the clown party, er, the Republicans, failed yet again to provide our country with a Speaker of the House…and that wasn’t worth commentary or even a mention? And I noticed there was no mention of the purported 2,000 children killed in Palestine from the bombings from Israel. Certainly newsworthy to an objective observer. Or at least prove the sources wrong…

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Thanks for this daily update, I can't stomach all the antisemitic hate I see on X anymore so this is a good way to keep up without being exposed to the nastiness.

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I’m terrified by The Back Page. Something is going on, Netanyahu is nowhere to be found , I am chilled to the bone.

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