There are no amount of Supreme Court decisons that could ever get our left clerisy to abandon their sacred mission to socially (re)engineer based on race, most especially in the upscale precincts of America where a commitment to "Diversity" now works as both a class marker and moral credential.

If the Civil Rights Act (maybe) created a second Constitution (at least according to Chris Caldwell), it absolutely gave birth to a new religious movement where the pain of minorities became sacralized and a new post-Marxist vanguard class marched through our institutions determined to transform America based on the principles of "Social Justice". Unless we're planning a military occupation of every admissions and employment office in America, or some radical form of de-funding or a countrywide de-Wokeification campaign, we will just have to fight every battle one at a time.

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I wasn't quite sure if Benny Morriss's essay had a definite thesis. He often seems determined to not be nailed down to a position--unfortunately, that gives his writing the feel of a high school book report.

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